Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Zoe's April Fool's Streak

Hidden amongst Zoe's beautiful new grown up looking haircut is a red streak of fake hair courtesy of our fabulous stylist Violet. It blends in great and looks really cool. It is Zoe's April Fool's Day prank on her friends. She has been trying to think of a prank for days now and it has been driving us crazy. Most of them have centered around faking major injuries with crutches, casts, braces and bandages.

When we got our hair cut yesterday, I asked if Violet had any temporary dye for a hair streak thinking that might be a good idea. Violet offered some red hair on a bobby pin for a fake streak as an alternative. Zoe is super excited about trying to pull one over on her friends.

Ava's prank is sending a bag of "donut seeds" aka Cheerios in to her class. Will printed up a really cute seed packet of mock seeds. Zoe used the same gag when she was in preschool one year.

I personally can't stand April Fool's Day. The jokes are either terribly stupid or I fall for them like an idiot because I am sucker.

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