
By anni

On a rest

A flock of swans on a rest not far from the highway between seven and eight in the morning. I only had the 50mm which I'm learning to use right now - shame. I really felt out of my comfort zone when I couldn't frame a close-up, I don't have a clue what to do with this kind of views. I did actually go closer and to the cliffs on the other side of them but found the background restless in most of the pics.

Before I sneaked closer to them I had a chat with a lady who was standing otside a conference center, having a smoke. She told me they were here already last night and she had done exactly what I had done, but in the evening after a long work day. At the very same pier. I can imagine, this is the direction where the sun goes down. And there were we standing again, about to start another work day but just having a small breath (or a smoke, in her case :)) before that.

On my way back home, past five, it was raining and the swans were gone. I wonder if they are heading northbound already.

Have a nice weekend!

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