Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

The Grey Grass of Home

The moor is at that point where it's thinking about moving from mostly brown to mostly green. The grasses are pushing toward the green stage, but the bracken is resolutely brown. The rowan saplings are budding, but not showing much else yet. The heather is brown. The gorse is a dull greeny-brown.

Not that a monochrome image is the best way of illustrating that point perhaps, but it brings out the texture in the grass nicely.

This patch of moor is the first/last bit of my walk to train/bus. I hadn't taken any pictures all day, so this was taken in my last few strides, and in fairly dim light. It's always nice to be welcomed by the grey grass of home though.

sharp spears ~ receding ~ to softness ~ the textures ~ of grass

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