
The overnight drizzle made for some good sleeping and some good melting. On the other side of this, the densely wooded path down to the creek and the mill is almost ice free. The two big dogs used to live next to us so they know this area and it is obvious that they recognise it by their joyful enthusiasm, which is a notch above their joyful enthusiasm for the same path every day.

I have to be careful now because "things" that have been buried under snow for months are emerging and even though they look disgusting to me, the dogs find them irresistable. Take the giant patch of Italian parsley in the back yard for instance. I had no time to cut it back before the snow covered it and it has been compressed into a dark green slick of fossil fuel which I have to keep chasing them out of. Dogs-why do they have to be so gross sometimes?

I tried coming up with a really good April's Fools joke but alas.

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