Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible


A mate of mine - he knows who he is - suggested I Google "harmonograph".

He also suggested that it was "probably a bit complicated just for one photo".

He was right!

He may not have appreciated how far this blip business can drive some of us.

For those who want to know, I cut a square of 5mm MDF (any strong board will do) and suspended it with string from the roof of my garage to holes drilled near the corners of the board.

I suspended my torch from the centre of the board (I will experiment with off centre but I don't think it will make much difference) and started swinging it around.

I used a board because I could tape a box of washers to it to add ballast and keep the swing going longer.

This was taken with three strings and tweaked in PS.

There will be more!

Have a nice weekend everybody.

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