Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos


Three carriage train tonight with one carriage non operational...that would be the carriage with the cycle rack! So tonight the bicycles were stuffed in a doorway.

Wasn't only the bicycles that couldn't get on the third carriage...neither could the people...squashed on like sardines we were.

Reading some blogs on the way home I learned about the thirty days of biking challenge and thought that would be a good idea for the Stirling Reidos...

Really strong head wind on the cycle home...phew...the old legs felt it!

Mr R needed a wee bit of convincing on the thirty days of cycling challenge but he trundled out to the hut and pulled all the bikes out... just went for a wee cycle with the kids but that counts.

So here we go 30 days in April and everyday we have to get on our bikes...let the challenge begin.

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