The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Water for Elephants

If there is one thing you take from flicking idly through my journal, let this be it.

I met a girl reading this book while I was travelling 'round Northern Peru.... We got chatting and she recommended me the book, saying that she'd if I was still staying at the same hostel before she left, she'd swap with me. Anyway, it never happened and curiosity got the better of me. When I came home I searched around on ebay for the cheapest copy and I can honestly say it's the best £5 I have EVER spent on any book!

It has slowly but surely been passed through my family, and everyone I lent it to was left feeling just a little down at the prospect of turning the final page. My sister was worried that she wouldn't be able to find another book as well written as this!

It's being made into a film soon, with Robert TWATtinson himself ruining the lead role. In my opinion Jacob (main character) would be played so much better by someone like Andrew Garfield (The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus). Personal opinion, if you ever get the chance read this book and let me know what you think :)

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