dark obsidian

By darkobsidian


Not a particularly great shot today but it's not another tree so I guess that's progress of a sort - although I did shoot a few trees while I was out - I just can't resist!

I've never really tried to shoot a bird before so I thought I might have a go this morning so I took a wander over to the park where I knew I would find a few but someone must have warned them that the paparazzi were in town as they were all incredibly camera shy. Some did come out to play but every time I got within range they flew off. A rather splendid magpie kept hiding behind the bushes, a pied wagtail kept coming into range then turning away and showing me its tail feathers everytime I attempted to take a shot, a beautiful dove kept settling on branches and then flying off just as I was about to take my shot and then after an hour or so, just as I had given up hope and decided to go with a tree blip, this crow landed on a branch in front of me - splendid fellow!

Somehow I don't think I'd make it as either a birdwatcher or photographer - I don't really have the patience :) Still it was still a pleasant way to spend an hour or so and interesting to see how many different bird species there are even in one little city park - quite amazing. So much to be thankful for!

And the day's fun is not over. This evening I'm meeting up with my good friend (tangles - as she's known in blipland) for a meal and then a trip to the cinema - life is good!

The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued

Robert Frost

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