
By Saffi

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

The ubiquitous Dandelion is a plant that has so many uses it is a pity it is usually regarded as a colourful weed that invades lawns or the sides of the road in the spring. It grows in many countries of the world and Britain has 250 species alone. Herbalists have used the plant for many complaints, such as warts, jaundice, consumption, etc. and it is an anti-inflammatory. The milky sap from the stems has been used to nourish lambs and goats. Different sections of the plant are also rich in Vitamins A, B and C. The young leaves can be eaten in salads; drinks such as Dandelion and Burdock, Dandelion wine, Dandelion tea and Dandelion coffee can also be made! The Dandelion is sacred to St Bridget and if gathered on the Eve of the feast of St John it acts as a good witch repellant!

I think I should be eating Dandelions today, my infected tooth has swollen the side of my face!

The weather is certainly turning warmer after this Blackthorn winter. Two cows are due to calve soon.

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