Starting over

By debra

Coming to terms with Aging

....not very well I might add, my mother has been looking back at me in the mirror recently, I'm suddenly the older woman now to those under 25 and It was pointed out recently that I have been carrying around a granny bag (with hard sweets inside no less)...and to top things off a pretty, perky 21 year old with tits up to her neck and an ass that you could sit a cup of tea on called me Ma'am this morning, SHOOT me now!!!. naa, I'm okay really.

Hey ya'll I finally reached 300 blips, it took about 2 years, but I did it.
I'm so pleased to have found this site as it has given me a new look on life and excellent people to interact with. I learn from you all everyday.
You guys are the best.

Another favourite

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