
By appertunity

Books, books, books!

Here's a selection of some of the books that had a big influence on my life (& could be on yours) their all cracking reads!

A few of these are first editions which I treasure (Brave new world for one).

It took me longer than is usually the case (for most children) to learn to read but once I got the hang of it with the help of a hungry caterpillar and a cat in a hat somewhere in me a damn burst and I haven't stopped reading since.

I find it difficult to believe people who say they have never read a book and secretly I suspect there is something wrong with them.

I now own thousands of books and love to read fiction or non fiction.

The only book I couldn't finish was a Mills & Boon I was asked to read for a bet (they had to read my favourite book Zen & the art of motorcycle maintenance) I had to skip whole sections! My favourite line from it was "...and then he showered her face in passion" I had no idea they were quite that explicit lol

Never stop reading guys its food for your soul!

Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own. ~ William Hazlitt

Don't forget mothers day tomorrow guys & gals!

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