
By CleanSteve

Wisteria Sinensis

I just had time to have a quick flit round the garden looking for today's image.

I found some Vinca lurking behind some pots and general rubbish I have yet to clear next to the fence. It lies underneath the budding vine branches, which are in urgent need of my attention, and a clematis. It was very dark down there so my pictures are very disappointing.

Beside the cabin is this Wisteria Sinensis (Chinese Wisteria) which I planted in the ground last spring. It seems to have happily sent strong roots down and now is budding madly, and they are growing very rapidly. I bought it from a small garden nursery a few years ago and waited to transplant it until the cabin was built. It reputedly flowers profusely earlier in its life than other Wisteria varieties. I feared it hadn't enjoyed being in a pot so long, but it appears to be happy.

I am hoping it will now climb up the outside of the cabin, framing it's large windows and breaking up the wooden exterior with foliage and flowers in due course. Time will tell and I expect you will see within a few months how glorious it might become.

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