just allan

By allan

Sea Breeze Knees Freeze

Katie paddling in the North Sea at Belhaven! We went down this morning "to see what we could see" and found gannets fishing just off-shore. They're spectacular to watch, diving from 100 feet or so head-first into the water and I tried for a good gannet picture for a while. The dive is illustrated pretty well in this composite, where you can see how streamlined the bird is on impact. Along with the Kittiwakes (see yesterday) the gannets have arrived for the summer. Terns should be here as well, I'll look out for them next time but I've not spotted them this year.

The best photos from today were of the children. The boys were discussing composition (I don't think they knew they were discussing composition, but they were!) and framing various scenes with their hands.

Then Katie had great fun running in & out of the sea. It wasn't warm! Luckily we had a bottle of water so she got her feet washed before we headed off, then a proper foot bath in the kitchen sink when we got home.

There's a few more from today on Flickr.

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