Confused and Surprised!

I think the girls are a bit confused....for the past week i've left the door partially open on their hen house to enable them to get out and have a wander around....they always head straight to the bird feeder outside the living room window! And as is their habitual behavior, they always head home before dark!
Overnight we had a snow fall that covered all the mud and grass. So i was a bit surprised this morning, around 9am, when i headed out for a walk, to find this girl just inside the door of the front porch! she quickly jumped outside, into the snow - that was also a big her! But here's the thing, there were no little chicken prints in the snow leading away from the hen house....the other girls were happily inside their home.....i'm thinking she was outside all night....maybe on the front porch....i don't know! Anyway, with some coaxing, she made her way home, making quite the squawking sound!

In other news......i'm working away in the studio, it's now the beginning of april and the productionfor the big order, plus other stock to be made, is a bit further behind than i'd hoped for at the beginning of the year. nothing too drastic, just need to work in a more efficient manner!

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