
By bluesheep

I can't get off the phone!

well it's the big day. spent my morning run going over in my head what I could possibly do today, looking for numbers at every turn. Nothing insanely cool popped into my mind, but as I finished my run, heading over the PCH and back home, I stumbled upon the greatest find ever! did the city workers repainting the numbers on the parking spaces know it was my blip-day (and go wild with a stray 3, 6, and 5)? where could this beautiful piece of spry painted goodness have come from?

I was determined to go back with my camera before days end to capture my find. finishing up last minute work before my international travels prevented me until later in the afternoon. tripod in hand I set off only to receive a call from a good friend right as I begin shooting. crap the light is dying, shadows are starting to cover my numbers. oh well, just take the thing while on the phone and get it done. that's what I did. here's what I got.

Boy, does it feel good to be GOLD!

oh yeah, almost forgot: huge big special thanks to Joe and crew for this awesome place, and to all of you who make it so awesome. you guys rule! I'm going to NZ! yay!

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