Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Fiery flowers

Lazy day today, got up late - love my Sunday lie-in!

Think I could quite easily have stayed on the sofa watching a bit of rugby, with some tweeting on the side but did manage to go out for a wander round the garden centre down the road from us.

I wish I'd bought these pansies now, I love the colour. I'd decided that I was going to fill up the plant pots in the garden with geraniums as all mine died over the winter. But apparently it's too early to put them out, I need to wait until May, according to the lady in the garden centre.

All academic though as the minute we got back home, it started raining really heavily, hailstones at one point so the pots are still empty and the herbs which we did buy are on the kitchen windowsill. Maybe I'll go back and buy these pansies next weekend....

I nearly blipped this lovely magnolia tree but thought I'd go for the brightly coloured pansies instead.

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