Susie'sLittle London Life

By susieb

Almost Blipless

Have had a not up to much day today. Went out for a birthday bash last night, got in at silly o'clock, and then got woken up a few hours later at not-silly o'clock but felt like even-sillier o-clock. My head hurt, not helped by my cruel husband getting Sam to point out my ears, nose, head etc. Thump thump thump.

Anyway, I ploughed on, ever the brave soldier, and accompanied Gareth and Sam to Kate's flat this afternoon. Sam was as lovely as always, running around, singing the Wheels on the Bus, Gareth was his amazingly helpful self and sorted out all Kate's technology woes, and as for me? Well, I lay on the sofa, ate her out of house and home, and let out the odd groan. A
Oh, and one-liner. I can always muster up the energy for a quip.

Anyway, thankfully the sky was obligingly interesting at our departure, so my blipping record remains untarnished. Phew.

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