I am rosco

By iamrosco

Full highland dress...

...this may not be, but I can definitely see it catching on.

This represents the start of my efforts too look smart on August 27th, and boy, I think I'll need all (near enough) five months of that to match up to L on the day.

And it all began with a trip to Fa'kirk. Reckon I hadn't been to Fa'kirk in well over a decade, so I wasn't sure what I was going to find. Turned out that it hadn't changed since what seemed like the decade before that, bit of a time-warp thing going on there, but there you go. A worthwhile trip fo' sho' and I came away with some things to think about, before returning for...dun dun duuuuuuuuuhhh, the measuring in a few weeks time. Ok, not that exciting, but it's been a while, and I feel like I need to make an effort for youse all*.

In the meantime, look out for my tailor's work at Dressed to Kilt this month

* youse: I stand by this as a word, and given that there is a little contention around it**, I'm happy that any discussion on the amount of youse will be lost by the wayside

** I don't agree with somethink, idiots

*** re: the uncomfortable model - well whadayaknow

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