Strange World

By strangeworld


Today I went with a large group from the photography club down to Gary Indiana. This was the third time I've been inside the abandoned City Methodist Church.

This time I found a way into the north wing of the school where most of the class rooms were located, as well as a dance studio. The walls of the dance studio are covered with this incredibly beautiful graffiti...

Some of it has been destroyed by deterioration, which I think adds to its beauty. This is one of the faces in better condition. I think this one needs to be printed and kept.

We also spent some time in the abandoned theater. Then we drove around the neighborhoods with blocks of empty and deteriorating homes. We did get some great shots of that as well....but it was a little scary. Lots of squatters peaking out of the windows around us. We didnt stick around long.

It was a very long day!


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