Is this PC

Wandering round the market today spotted this pair of stuffed toys on the stall. I remember having one as a child at some point. They look quite new but wouldn`t pay a tenner for them.
As I was looking at them and trying to take a sneaky blip, a chap walked past and said to his wife
`Look, Golliwogs, not seen them for years`
Wife replied `Shush, can`t call them that now, it`s not correct`
To which he replied `Bollox`...........Well put sir

Had a fab day at my Mums yesterday. Went up to see her and plant out her garden at the front. Whilst I was doing that, Sarah turned up unexpectedly with her wonderful husband and son. Had a great time. Lovely lunch and pud. Must make the effort to see family more often. Footy season finishes soon so will have every opportunity

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