Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot


With each roll of film I've shot over the past month and a half or so, I've known that I'd have to eventually begin processing my own again as the expense of having it done at the lab is too prohibitive for my budget.

Today, I made the first step, processing a test roll of twenty-year-old-plus 35mm film as a matter of getting reacquainted with the various stages of development. I especially needed to go through the process of it in order to determine how to do it efficiently and (now I see) more orderly.

I'm off to the post office to shoot with the Rolleicord. I intend to shoot a few frames in bright daylight so that I can see how my process deals with the higher contrast scenes.

[Update: I processed my first roll of 120 later in the day and am quite pleased with the results.]

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