Texas Life

By txlife

Gimme Shelter

This piece of equipment, which should be carried by every wildland firefighter out there (actually, they should be carrying the new generation version in the blue case), is often known by some disparaging names, such as "Shake 'n Bake." It is an aluminized blanket, wihch, in theory, will protect the user from a rapid burnover in a wildfire. The little instruction pamphlet has fundamentally accurate instructions, but should you need to deploy a fire shelter, that is NOT the time to become familiar with its use. If you think you have time to read the instructions then, you might as well deploy a body bag and save the fire shelter for someone who's taken the time to become familiar with its use in advance.

This photo is kind of a counterpoise to yesterday's. Our weather yesterday was so indicative of Texas weather... Started out the day with a Severe Thunderstorm Warning (and we received 1/2" hail at the house, which is the subject of yesterday's blip), and from 9AM to 3PM, a Severe Thunderstorm Watch, from 9AM-7PM a High Wind Warning, and from 9AM-midnight, a Red Flag Warning for extreme wildfire danger due to very low humidities and strong winds.

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