Lisa and the Boys

By narabug


Today raised questions that only a non-blipper could ask. "What are you taking photographs of?" and "Why would you want to take photographs while you're baking?!" followed by raised eyebrows at the response, "Well, I think it would make a good blip!"

I did try to include the finished scones in the final montage, but it just didn't work. You can see them here, though, if you wish! (The montage didn't seem quite right in colour, either. I think it's down to the textures. It just seemed to look far better in monochrome!)

The boys did some quality control for me. Probably a good job I baked two batches, rather than just the one! One batch are coming with me tomorrow to one of the mother and toddler groups I attend as part of a cream tea thank you for the volunteer crèche ladies!

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