Manic MorFF's Pics

By manicmorff

Experiment in Art

...well I'd like to say that's what it is.

I have some A4-size glossy photo paper hiding at the back of the cupboard from years ago. I've tried using it before in my older inkjet printers, but it never worked properly. The ink just seemed to slide off the paper.

So when I got my new photo-printer I reckoned it was worth a go again.
And here is the result and it hasn't dried in a week of lying out in the air.
I think it's quite cool actually, looks a bit like an impressionist painting.

Can you guess what it is? *

Then I worked out what the problem was. It isn't actually glossy photo-paper, it is matt photo-paper with a glossy back to it.
So simply printing on the other side had the desired effect. D'oh.

* Not that you'd ever get it, but it's my sister-in-law meeting 'Laurel and Hardy' in Florida some years ago.

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