I want a...


The TARDIS sound gives me goosebumps, stirs some latent memories of Daleks and Cybermen from when I was young and the costumes were crap, but they still scared me. Now I am old, and I am utterly terrified by some of the Doctor Who 'villains' - the Weeping Angels are the worst (as Jayne, who will probably read this, will no doubt agree with me about).

I think, without wishing to overstate matters, that the sound of the TARDIS is one of the coolest sounds I have heard. It could only be beaten by "Well done Mrs Dunwood, you've won 5 BILLION pounds".

I NEED a TARDIS. I made the mistake of going for a nap when I got in at 6.20. I woke at 8.30. I'm shattered and am going back to bed again shortly. I had a really important thing to do tonight. Now it will have to be tomorrow. Probably better I didn't attempt it tonight, otherwise I would have been disappointed with the results tomorrow and had to do it again.

Things are slipping. I can't be bothered. Jobs on my list are not getting done because I can't manage to concentrate on them.

The only saving grace is that there is a Starbucks just across the way from school now. The light at the end of the tunnel, on a daily basis! Chai tea latte - yum yum.

Why, oh why, did someone in authority decide that we could do such a stupidly long term - still another week and a half to go. We are the walking dead - in fact, my colleagues and I would probably make a pretty good set of terrifying Doctor Who villains right now.

Sleep tight.


PS - picture was done freehand - slow exposure, manual zoom during the exposure (no tripod hence wobbly) and then square cropped with a bit of softening around the edges.

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