
By FauxPunk


Well, it's not quite the masterpiece I wanted, but I decided if it was gonna be my 10 thousandth pic, I was only going to take one and that would have to be it. Darkly Ironic that the counter only goes to 9999, so this is actually image 0001 instead of 10000!

This is Balsamic-glazed chicken with paprika sliced potatoes and broccoli. It's one of our favourite 'healthy' meals. So good that this is the 2nd night in a row we had it. We were gonna eat out (it's quiz night, but we had no team tonight). Instead we spent the money on a gridle pan - that's how the chicken is supposed to be done, but we've been using the George Foreman instead... this way is MUCH better :-D It's a little bit crispier underneath than intended, but that's just how I like it.

I should've focused a little furher into the frame, as the potatoes have fallen too far out of focus, but I do like the steam lol.

Work wasn't bad today. It's a busy time for my team, which means I can't get to spend as much time with them off the phones as I'd like, but it does also mean I can catch up with other things.

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