Clark Tales

By cclark


This is my friend Fiona, who informed me tonight we have been friends for 17 years, OMG that's a ridiculous number! We also discussed the fact that we have both kissed the same boys, a John and a Gary, at totally different times and in different countries.... they seem to both have had very different effects on us lol! PS She hates having her photo taken!

I was brilliantly grateful for the lie in this morning, the first one after finishing the 7 days a week working! Flatmate Ross and I then absolutely gutted our living room, YAY

Then I went and met Fiona for Dinner and drinks. My friend Doogie was finishing work so he joined us after dinner. Turns out Fiona's boyfriend Tristan works for the same company that Doogie just started with, so Fi gave him the lo-down on the staff lol

I have also discovered that my uber early upload yesterday means that I don't get to put what I did for the rest of the day. I know I can edit, and add to it, but I don't wanna, so yes I can do daytime blipping now im not working like a dog, but I find it less fulfilling, so will be continuing to upload later in the day.

To fill you in I chilled most of the day, then went to HEC's for dinner with her Baby Lily and Olivia, it was fun! Play planet with them tomorrow as well! Yay!

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