
By Poppy


Seems ages since I blipped him, so here he is, the wonder dog or Pink Nose as folk seem to insist on calling him!

When I got him he was 6 months old and had a completely pink nose. As he has matured (!) more and more black spots have appeared on it, and now at nearly 3 yrs old they have merged together to produce blobs of black. Will be interesting to see if in time his nose turns completely black. I hope not, as the pink is part of his character!

Interrupted Northern in cake making mode this afternoon - very kindly she stopped and pressed coffee and Christmas cake on me. What a great neighbour! I bribed the boys with chocolate to play outside so Ollie could stay in the porch. As they ran about waving sticks, the words "you could have someone's eye out with that" came to mind! Still, looked like a fun time was being had by all . . . . .

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