Evil Goat

By evilgoat

Khan's House

Went to see the Khan Collective yesterday, talked about photography and blip a lot yet didn't take any pictures!

As usual at the Khan's we ate excellent food, drunk the finest ales known to humanity and had a great evening.

Nick and Coral also came over with their baby, Madeline, and we all felt very grown up and sensible (no excessive drinking and excessive dancing) however we still didn't get that much sleep!

Breakfast was ace, in a change from normal convention (fry-up) we had blueberry pancakes... de-lish.

Got a chance to blip Hannah with MrsEG this morning.

He's a lucky chap that Khan, even though i now understand why he's so tired all the time!

Thanks again for a great evening!

Went to B&Q this afternoon to collect materials for a new Project. All will be revealed next week....

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