Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie


What a stressful afternoon I've had. We went up Trencrom Hill today. I've never been there before and it was lovely. I could see for miles and I had great fun running about and sniffing in all the heather.

Then just as we were heading back down the hill a little dog appeared out of no where and started following me. He was called Ruff and he was very cute. However after about 15 mins Ann started to get worried because there was no sign of his owner, so she phoned the number on his name tag but that went straight to ansaphone.

When we got back to the car park he was still with us which meant that he'd been away from his owner for more than half an hour. We walked down the road with him to the nearest cottage to see if anyone knew who he belonged to. Ann said if she lost me for even 5 mins she'd be really upset so she thought his owner would be really, really worried.

We met a man in a garden who said that lots of dogs wandered around in 'these parts' by themselves and he would hope that no one would phone him if they found his dog up the hill. He said to leave the dog and it would go home on its own. Ann wasn't very keen on that idea. She couldn't believe that someone would care so little about their pet.

She decided to try phoning again and this time Ruff's owner answered. He said, 'He's a little b*****! He's always running off. Just leave him and he'll come back when he's ready'.

So we left him in the car park and as we drove off we saw him trotting away.

I'm glad I live with Ann. Sometimes I think she's a moany old bag but it doesn't matter how naughty I am I know that she'll always love me. No way would she leave me up a hill all by myself!

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