My Montreal

By snaity

This is some marmite.

I am emotionally stunted. I can tell my kids and my husband how I feel and that's it. Even with my husband I stumble sometimes.
I can't hug my friends, I can barely even shake a hand without feeling paralyzed with uncomfortableness. It's a part of me I hate, I would love to be able to throw my arms around someone and comfort them without wanting to run screaming from a room but I don't think I ever will. I just assume my friends know how I feel, that they know if I didn't like them I wouldn't be there. But you can never assume. I still can't say it though.
So to all my friends, the ones that are in my very brain, the ones that feed me cake when I'm down, the ones that listen to me rambling when I am in weird moods, the ones that make me laugh until I cry and the ones who are happy to sit there in silence when I'm having a bad day even the ones I have to be friends with because I'm related to them ;o) this is some Marmite, and it's for all of you. That is all.

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