
By SueScape

Horse Chestnut

Walked along the old church lane just outside the village today. This used to be part of the busy A272 before the bends were straightened out many years ago, and its now a lovely quiet lane leading to the church and nowhere else. Lining the lane is a whole range of trees from birch and weeping birch to sycamore, field maple and horse chestnut. Every single tree was bursting into bloom or leaf, full of life and vigour.

The Horse Chestnut is such a beautiful tree from the moment its sticky buds appear through the opening [like this] of its spring green leaves to the glory of its candle flowers. Its pale wood is incredibly lovely too, though not much used in furniture making, you can occasionally find a piece. It?s a restful tree for me.

The Bach Flower Remedy made from Chestnut Bud helps focus, so is good for people who find they are slow to pick up new learning, or those who find themselves in the same situation over and over again, not able to learn the lesson in the experience and move on.

It's said that placing conkers around the house keeps spiders away, but our house has a great population after years of having lovely chestnuts dotted around. Haven't come across any other lore connected to the Horse Chestnut, maybe someone out there knows something?

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