The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase


My weekly trip when i can get cover for the lovely si........of i trundle around this local market............yes i can shop on line, all over the world.......i have a very adequate shopping centre on my door stop........Lakeside.......Bluewater.........all at my finger tips........a hours ride from London tops...... and i do these things most of the time........But this market is local people, trying to make a living, the plants are still at prices that seem relative........three paper backs for a fiver.......home made pies and cakes sold on a check cloth...............ok, nothing out of this world, but the atmosphere...... the calling out for the fruit and veg.........the smell of onions cooking at the take away van.................people bumping into neighbours, and standing in the middle of the aisle for a good old natter............people laughing, kids crying in pushchairs.........o.a.p getting their veg with their is the honesty of it all, no we pay for the frills so included, but going to this market weekly keeps it l real........ long live the local markets..........

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