Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

My oh My

What a blooming gorgeous day!!!

Despite being shattered thanks to Miss F waking at 4 we had quite a busy day! Yawn ... can barely keep my eyes open now though!

We headed to the log with balloons in tow (I'd seen a gorgeous picture of a little girl running with balloons so thought i'd try my hand at it) If I said 'POP POP POP .............................................. POP' I'm guessing you'll understand where my story is going?! 4 balloons, 4 POPS! Thankfully Miss F was in good spirits and laughed harder with every pop! I did manage a couple of good shots with just the one balloon!

So here we are out in the field behind our house ... all 3 of my babies playing, i'll use the word nicely very loosely! This is Big K, he's playing football, I know it's a little fuzzy but I just love the look of concentration on his face! He's turning in to a fine young man! I just wish he'd loose the attitude! It seems he's having a boost of male hormones and is being a grumpy toe-rag at the moment! I managed to break a smile out of him tonight and he seems a little less miserable ... I popped to the shops before he got home from school and got him a fav choc bar and a card saying I love him lots and i'll try harder to understand his teenage hormones, it's my way of waving the white flag ... we called a truce ... for now!

So that was my day!

Night blipworld x

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