
By EyesToSee

Change on the Boulder Creek Path

Late winter/early spring in Colorado is shades of brown everywhere. So I set out today wondering which shade of brown I was going to photograph for the daily photo. And by the way, I'm feeling some stress with needing to take a photo a day and post it here. Lol. Just what I needed....another daily to do task that is open ended! This is not in harmony with David Allen's Getting Things Done! But I've decided to do this for two reasons: 1) I need to get out and work with my camera...put it on manual and become good friends with ISO, f-stop and shutter speed and 2) be conscious and intentional in seeing and interpreting for myself what is around me, a sort of autodidactic approach to living in my surrounding. All-in-all, two good reasons I believe for making the commitment.

I've also been working on expanding my vocabulary. So I commit to use the word from A Word A Day in a sentence along with my photo.

The owner wanted to keep the six Russian Olive (??) trees, but made a volte-face when he learned that they were dead and seriously weakened.

Having lived longer than the life of a man, these 6 trees shaded generations of people who walked hand-in-hand, jogged, skateboarded, rollerbladed, etc. along the Boulder Bike Path. A woman saw me taking this photo and she commented that it made her sad to see them gone. She noticed the difference. I noticed it. I'm sure there are others.

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