The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford

Natural Beauty

This is why I like rainy days; I like when the sun starts to come out of the clouds just a little, not to overwhelm you, but just to let you know that it's still there. That it will be back to keep us all alive tomorrow or the next day.
I write this a day late; last night was sooo much fun; as Jessica put it, everyone was emitting so much positive energy! Everyone was happy to be in the company of so many old friends. We watched a friends band at a bar called Cats in San Marcos. We saw so many old faces. David (the friend who was down from California) ended up proposing to his girlfriend Ashley on stage! That was nice to see, and odd because my friend Pamela got engaged on Valentines Day to her boyfriend Miguel. So we watched the band spank and danced to some pretty funk inspired music, we played pool and saw David's mom and brother, Daniel, for the first time in a really long time. After the show we went to an after party at another friends house in San Marcos and danced to some really fun music. I'm so glad everyone had such a good time. I'd like to start hanging out with some of my old friends from high school a lot more.
And here's a photo from the party we went to the night before; also a lot lot lot of fun!
Danny and Sean/ David's BDay party

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