dark obsidian

By darkobsidian


Another day another tree - well another group of trees - what can I say except that I do so love trees! After a couple of days of being just too tired to even think of blipping it had been on my mind to maybe go down the coast today with the camera and take some shots there but I woke to wind and rain and the news that I hadn't got the job that I interviewed for last week so that rather changed my mind.

Over some hot chocolate (how I really wish I hadn't given up coffee for lent!) I decided that I really needed to cheer myself up and the only thing for it was to go a walk and hang out with my favourite trees. While I was out the rain even let up for a while and let me take some photos. I blipped these trees before a few weeks ago from a slightly different viewpoint but now they are beginning to blossom and they are quite lovely. In a few weeks they will be completely covered in leaves and will be absolutely beautiful. I must remember to come back and take another shot then - as if I need any encouragement :)

So now it's back to the whole job appliation process with a veangence although it's becoming very disheartening and there are so many other things I would much rather be doing with my time than filling out forms and sending away cvs. I know patience is a virtue but I'm afraid it's in rather short supply tonight!

'I should like to bury something precious in every place where I've been happy and then, when I'm old and ugly and miserable, I could come back and dig it up and remember'

Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited

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