shiny things

By josh

Midnight at the goth club

This picture, as it turns out, was taken right at midnight. This is of some people right next to the broken air hockey table in the arcade room.

For those of you that have heard of the Internets' attack on the "Church" of Scientology by "Anon", there was one of those guys at the club. He was talking about how he was anonymous, anonymous was legion, and generally babbling about the evils of Scientology. I was amused that I saw one of these Internet tough-guys; their "battles" so far have been taking down their websites, hacking into them and getting some secret documents, and wearing masks and protesting outside their buildings. I dunno how I really feel about it. On the one hand, I find it strange that it's a religion made up by a bad sci-fi author, but then, is it really any more outlandish than stories in the Bible?

I happen to think religion is mostly ridiculous, but then, I'm an atheist and I've studied evolution, but that's me. I figure, live and let live, so long as they're not hurting anyone.

Make sure to check out yesterday's blip of my mask.

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