The second half of life..

By twigs


Had a very full day at work, but one which improved as the day progressed. Nice.

Given that the day held 3 x 100 minute lessons including an off-site activitity in the middle (hence no time for morning tea) and the last 'thing' of the day was a parent-teacher interview night, this is some achievement. OK - I confess - unlike many of my colleagues I didn't have a truck load of parents to meet, but those I did meet were great. It was good to see that home and school are reading from the same page and whilst some of the youngsters are certainly testing a few boundaries at school, I know that parent support of our approach will yield great results in the long run. Not that the boundaries being tested are 'serious' (I am a big believer of 'sweat the small stuff and the big stuff won't get look in'.)

Yup - things felt good today :)

And the added bonus is that tomorrow is Friday which means the weekend is just around the corner :)

Yay once more!

And today's image has nothing whatsoever to do with anythnig I've said!!!

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