Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie


This one is dedicated to the one star bandit who seems to have developed a bit of a fixation on my journal these last few days.
I consider myself to be a humanist, I try to look for the good in people, even seemingly pointless articles who get their pleasure out of trying (and I admit succeeding) in making other people feel bad. I am therefore assuming that the one star bandit is in fact a photographic whizz and with this in mind I have decided to put my stars back on. So, dear one star bandit, if you are reading this please feel free to leave me the obligatory one star as, thanks to some kind words yesterday, I no longer give a flying f f f f flower, but please use that discerning eye of yours to accompany the lone star with some constructive criticism. That is, after all, how we learn and improve.
Thank you.

Aah, feels good to have got that off my chest :)

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