Paul by myself



The sun is shining bright in the sky, weather-wise it's the most beautiful day of the year to date and for today's blip I've taken a photograph of a bin.

It's a bin like any other to be honest, there's not much special about it. I walk past it every day on the way to work, some days it's unexceptionally empty looking, once in a while it's literally overflowing with rubbish which is I suppose equally normal for a bin.

What drew me to this bin other than simple convenience on my way home was the graffiti. Now I'm no expert but in my opinion the various works on display here are not exactly shining examples of what can be a wonderful art, I doubt Banksy is losing any sleep over this level of competition.

Still it's not the quality of the work that interests me, I might be wrong but I guess the tagging is some kind of territorial thing, some people like this particular bin so much they've laid claim to it.

Now it's perfectly functional as I've already said, as far as bins go it collects rubbish like no one's business (except when it's full). I imagine the owners are very proud to have so many different 'taggers' battling for bragging rights to their bin.

The big question is who will emerge victorious in this ongoing battle for such a highly treasured prize? Who knows or indeed cares.

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