Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

.......and so, it begins.

Pat , my pal in the Art department, spent many hours in school at the weekend, starting the big backdrop for the show which I am producing in 2 weeks time. It will be good to see it develop over the next wee while, and I hope to blip some of this development.

I am always in awe of anyone who can draw. Anyone who can produce such a fantastic backdrop drawing, to give the impression of Victorian London, and in such a huge scale, leaves me breathless. I'm no good at measurements, but I think that this is about 5 metres high.

Still to come is the paint and the UV effects for the moonlight and the lamplight. I shall keep you posted!

By the way, at the bottom of the shot is the coffin used in the funeral parlour scene, when Oliver is put in a coffin. Our brilliant janny, Colin, made it. We had quite a laugh when he said he felt less than comfortable asking the boy playing Oliver if he could be measured for a coffin....... Child Protection Act???

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