Cutting it fine.

He is showing some photographs at the Howard Bar in the Lyceum Theatre. They all had to be on the walls before the bar opened tonight. So we were there hanging the pictures this afternoon.

We got it done with 10 minutes to spare!

This picture shows him finishing the framing only a couple of hours before............I tell you something.......he was cutting it fine alright!

I must add that he has worked very hard on these. All the images have been taken by him.....(some on his point and shoot). He printed them himself, he got the frames made up but he put all the images and frames together himself. The result is some very beautiful images depicting the goings on during the installation of various shows at the Lyceum theatre. There are some smaller images of details of the workshop (shown here) floor.........

If you are in Edinburgh.......pop in and have a look. The bar is open in the evenings

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