Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

What's the time Mr Wolf?

Been a busy sort of day today ... been sorting and pondering ... in typical 'me' style! It's been constructive & positive though ... so how can I grumble? (I probably could ... I've spent a lifetime doing so! I've got it down to a fine art!)

Little K went to a birthday party ... a chain pub with a fun-house type thing ... Kids had a blast and there were tears when it was time to leave ... you always know it's a good party when they leave in tears! We decided it made sense for us to eat there too, now myself and Mr A rarely get out, certainly not without the littlies! But like many others we have to watch the pennies to make them stretch the month so it was a real treat to have someone else cook for us and not to have to worry about who's doing the dishes! Well i'll say the food was mediocre, disappointed ... see how I got that grumble in?!

Anyway, we went for a lovely walk when we got home, it was a little late for the kiddies but it was such a pleasant evening ... the smell of first bbq's with a hint of blossom and the buzz of the bee's working hard ... Mmmm spring is definitely here!

I hope the weather here does as the weatherman/woman say's this weekend & stays nice ... what a treat!

Sweet dreams blippers x

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