Clore 28

Fron (L - R) t:Louise, Katie, Justine, Christabel, Gillian, Caitlain, Fiona & Amy.
Back: Camilla, Steve, Steve, Kathryn, Me.
Middle: Sophie, Hanna, Julia, Valerie, Margaret, Rashcel, Carolyn, Emma, Emma, Wedny & Bev.

Last day of Clore. Everyone's very emotional. There are lots of tears - we feel like we've been here for ages. It's a strange feeling going back into the big wide world again.

WISDOM (What i Shall Do On Monday!) is our last lecture with Eve who is very amusing. Chat to Rachel a lot. Its boiling hot. Say our good byes after another amazing lunch (I've eaten enough for the next year these last two weeks.

The drive home is hot and very tiring. Both possible routes home have warnings of closures and delays. It's too hot and I'm really tired so I stop for an hour or so and buy a baby present for Brian's little girl. It's a long strange journey home and sad to be here without Mac.

Strange times ...

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