
By gilliebg

Osprey saying 'Hallo' to the out-of -towners!

Yesterday we had a mini blipmeet here in Florida with blipperShine-a-Light and Mrs Shine-a-Light, who are holidaying here. Steve took us out in the old bliptracker, (since renamed :)), and we set off to find birds. I think it would be fair to say that we found plenty of osprey, egrets, grebe; we spotted an eagle and disturbed some wood duck. It was a hot day, with temperatures hitting 90f, but I enjoyed it thoroughly and it was so nice to meet Shine-a-light and his wife, and to pick his brains, as I really admire his work. It is wonderful how we can make new friends on blip, knowing beforehand that we will have a great interest in common.

I changed the picture for one I found that I liked better. I think, I do, anyway.

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