or thereabouts

We've still not achieved three clean nights in a row, though are slowly getting confident enough that we might not be woken much between midnightish and sixish to be able to relax. Since his evening-milking was reduced a little in volume he hasn't puked all over me and the odd disappointed wail when he reaches the end of the bottle doesn't last long. Even when he magically re-energises whilst being carried upstairs after effectively falling asleep whilst being fed he's not squawking for too long after being put down, is no longer struggling and flapping when he gets fastened into his bag (and hasn't yet learnt the technique one of his infant colleagues has developed of walking up the inside of the bag and straining the shoulders against it until the shoulder-poppers pop undone) and can now be bagged/laid down by either parent without it much affecting his sleep performance. All in all, result

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