
By FauxPunk


After being really pleased with this dark SP I wanted to do an equally pleasing, but opposite one. I didn't quite pull it off... the eyes aren't right, and although I wanted it bright with a brilliant white background, I've still ended up over-exposed. This was in my processing rather than the original image... I just couldn't quite get it right and this was as close as I could get. No complaints.

It's been a day of hospital visits. Planned a lie-in, but didn't count for painters banging about outside at 8AM... gutted!

Did some blip & flickr stuff, and played a little bit of football manager, then an exciting package arrived - A second roll of 120 film for the 1950's Coronet Flashmaster my step-dad gave me last week. Cheaper stuff this time. Now this goes against the grain, but... I didn't order the film to use it... I ordered it because I needed its plastic spool - the one on the camera is metal, and I didn't want to part with it when I hand in my first exposed roll. It will most likely not be the original one that came with the camera (that probably went with the first roll!) but it will date from the 60's or 70's. Turns out one of the cheapest & surest ways of getting a spool these days is to buy a new roll of film. I could've got 3 for 99p off ebay, but... I only needed one, and at least this way I was sure I was getting one that really would fit the 120 film!

Anyway, after all that excitement, it was time to go to the hospital to visit Mathew. I was there for a while, and he started nodding off, so I went home again for an hour and a bit. Then went to visit again, and we went out for a bit. Decided to go to the fair at the Cardiff City stadium... £1 entry for... they most pointless fair I'd ever seen. Back to the hospital then for Mathew to have a half-hearted attempt at his hospital lasagne & chips. Apparently it's one of the best meals they do, but he just didn't have the appetite for it. Another quick trip to tesco to buy him haribo & muller lite for the night, then I dropped him off and went home to eat. One Lamb Vindaloo later (I ate the same last night :-s) and it was off to the hospital again, with my laptop, camera, phone, and Still Game box set. Gutted to find the DVD player in his room isn't working. Watched a bit of Piers Morgan interviewing Andrew Lloyd Webber, and had a mini-rage @ the nurses who had to be buzzed several times to bring paracetamol. His temperature was sky-high and he had a splitting headache, but the nurse misunderstood and though he was being impatient waiting for his regular drugs. Well I'm assuming she misunderstood...

Anyways, that's me there now, blipping from hospital lol!

It's a big number tomorrow, and I'm afraid I have nothing exciting planned :-s I will be here again in the morning/early afternoon, and then working 2-6. I'd imagine I'll come straight to the hospital again, so not leaving a lot of time to do something amazing! Having said that, my 200 got banned so had to be replaced with the worst blip ever, so by comparison 300 should be reasonable... don't expect any nudity though!

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