we had people who did that kind of thing

When I bought my first car, I organised insurance with Kwik-fit.

Basically, they were the cheapest and best balance of cover and excess. Ideal for a 18yr old.

Tonight, I am sorting out car insurance once again. This time for a car I do not own. As I do not own as car. I'm sorting out insurance on Mrs theWeir's Mini. It's quite odd thinking that I don't own a car. Wow. I'm quite grateful for that.

While filling out a raft of online forms to get quotes, I was struck how far we have come since 1997. The crazy idea of widespread adoption of the internet and world wide web were, well, crazy.

I also think about the insurance broker who organised insurance for my parents for years. While that business model failed as we were empowered to go direct, I've noticed something creeping back.

There are times when it may be okay to pay a few extra pounds to have someone else do all the moving around of money and give yourself time for other things.

Then I think that I'm just procrastinating and should just get on with it.

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