Everyday is Red

By everydayisred

cut and paste

When driving home and being pulled over, one will realize just what a slob she is when she goes to fish-out her registration and a pile of receipts and envelopes that hold no real importance fall out of their compartment and unto the shoes of the officer at the passenger door, who has just pulled you over for going 89 in a 65 mph zone.

I don't listen to Stevie Wonder enough.

Why must I be talked into a pedicure?

The Internet is a vast, cold, yet revealing domain that I cannot stand, yet cannot do without.

I like frambois, I like it a lot.

There are not enough hours in the day, or the weekend. This depressed me in ways I cannot begin to explain.

I wish I could shut my mind off sometimes.
I imagine I leave it running for a reason.

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